Re-Imagining Learning Communities For a Stronger Workforce

Published by Edu-Advisor on

According to Internet Live Stats there are more than 1.7 billion websites. That number does not include the actual number of pages of content on each website. Just to provide a context for this number, small companies will easily have over 100 pages of content so it is difficult to comprehend the actual volume of data that is available online. This statistic becomes even more distorted when adding personal content like blog posts and other types of digital and social media. It is clear why the internet is a quagmire when looking for quality information.

What can be even more frustrating is that the websites with the most insightful information are never seen by the masses because these types of researchers, teachers, and developers lack the resources or the interest to “ranking number one on Google”. These educators want to provide information that is useful and will help others on their pathway to success. That is why it is critical to re-imagine education so that those who have the answers can simply connect virtually with those seeking a solution to that specific problem.

Dream2Career is re-imagining and simplifying the digital network for work-based learning experiences by connecting the learning provider and with interested students.  When students, parents, and educators get together with businesses and schools, learning happens and pathways emerge leading users to their dream careers. Educational agents work with the best learning programs and event providers to help students find and answer the question, “What should I do with the rest of my life?”. We help learning communities promote solutions, best practices, and mentorship in ways that supports the needs and curiosity of the student.

Dream2Career is designed to help businesses and schools promote programs and events to those interested in each specific discipline. Every program is not right for every student and Dream2Career has a mission of helping students connect with the right resources leading to their dream careers.  We do this by using our marketing expertise and an algorithm that is built upon the career clusters identified by the Department of Education and encompasses opportunities that highlight the 1100+ jobs identified by the Department of Labor. We work with schools and businesses to provide free access to resources that match and engage students and educators with local and virtual opportunities so they can be inspired about the future world of work.


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