Cybersecurity Microcourses For Beginners

Network Security and Cloud Computing

Would you leave your house without first checking that all windows and doors are locked? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you live in a magical dreamland. Maybe you have a strong alarm system or motion detectors in place, too. These are vital and essential steps we all take to ensure security and prevent intruders from stealing our belongings. 

Computer networks and cloud storage systems are also at risk of virtual intruders breaking in and stealing our data. Alongside theft, compromised security may lead to the corruption of files through viruses and the erasure of critical documents via harmful malware.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize the importance of securing your network and cloud services 

• Identify the risks of inadequate network and cloud security

• Understand how to improve protection and prevent threats

Why take this course?

Cyberattacks continue to rise as criminals find sneakier ways of infiltrating security systems. If you’re a business owner or employer, this puts your organization at an increased risk of sabotage. This course will show you effective ways to reduce the risks and help ensure safety. It’s also suitable for individuals, because even in a dreamland there might be gremlins.

 10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

Keeping Your Data Safe

There are currently over 4.5 billion internet users. That’s a mind-boggling amount of people creating data – no wonder the internet is called the “information superhighway.” With every webpage you visit, you leave a digital footprint. In some places, you offer further information, like when you’re inputting your credit card details for that latest must-have! But how do you know that your data is safe?

For businesses, ensuring data is secure should be a top priority. If it’s not handled correctly, sensitive customer data could be lost or stolen, resulting in some pretty harsh consequences.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand why it’s important to look after data
• Understand the consequences of poor data storage
• Keep data safe

Why take this course?

Often, we take for granted that data is secure. We assume it’s inaccessible to anyone but the people who need it, and that it will stay that way. But the truth is, you need to take steps to ensure this. Regardless of your role, keeping data safe is everyone’s job. This course will show you why, and also how you can take steps to make sure your data is secure.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook




The Risks of Shadow IT

The word “shadow” doesn’t usually come with anything good attached to it. Nope, we’re more likely to think about lurking monsters and shady characters. So it’s no surprise to learn that Shadow IT is sometimes feared, too, especially by IT teams. To be honest, it can have some pretty scary risks to the business you work for.

But it’s not all black and white. Knowing more about Shadow IT will help you avoid unnecessary security risks and data breaches, which can also mean avoiding huge fines and potential disciplinary action, too. This course has been designed to explain exactly what Shadow IT is and advise about its appropriate use.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Define Shadow IT
• Identify when it’s appropriate to use forms of Shadow IT
• Explain the risks of Shadow IT

Why take this course?

Taking this course will help protect you and the company you work for from hackers, potential data breaches, financial liabilities, as well as operational malfunctions in the IT systems. But some Shadow IT can also be handy if used appropriately, so it’s useful to be aware of. If you use a computer for any part of your job, regardless of role, then you won’t be left “in the dark” any longer.

10 mins | SCORM | Infographic


Phishing & Anti-Spam Software

Ever received an email from your bank which seems to be legit but, well, there’s something off about it? Maybe it starts with, “Dear valued customer” instead of using your name? If you have received anything like this, then it’s likely you’ve been targeted by phishing criminals.

Phishers pretend to be from authorized organizations to trick you into giving away sensitive information, such as usernames or credit card details. It’s a malicious and widespread activity. But suffering loss as a result can be prevented. One of the most effective ways is through anti-spam software which blocks suspicious emails from getting into your account.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize a phishing attack, for example an email or cell phone message
• Understand how anti-spam software works to prevent email spamming
• Protect yourself and avoid becoming a victim of phishing

Why take this course?

Phishing scammers release thousands of attacks every single day. Yet knowledge is power, and by learning how to spot the signs you will help to protect yourself. This short course is suitable for professionals, organizations, and any individual who uses a computer or cell phone. Yep, that means pretty much all of us.

15 mins | SCORM | Workbook

Security and Compliance Audits

Risk is everywhere. Just by having your morning shower, you risk getting shampoo in your eyes and being temporarily blinded by soapsuds. But it isn’t just humans who are at risk.

Computer networks are also highly vulnerable and susceptible to potential dangers. These include cyberattacks which can result in sensitive data being compromised and breached. Yet, there are ways of reducing and managing serious risks by implementing effective security and compliance audits.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Identify the differences between security and compliance
• Recognize the importance of audits and why these must be carried out
• Understand how to prepare for and conduct effective audits

Why take this course?

If you’re an employer or work for an organization with an IT infrastructure, carrying out security and compliance audits is essential. This course will show you why effective auditing will help preserve the safety of your clients and customers’ data. We know they’re not exactly fun. But without auditing, you’re at risk of suffering a major cybersecurity headache and losing vital business…which is a lot worse than getting shampoo in your eyes.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

Internet of Things Attacks

Imagine a world where you can feed your cat or dog remotely via your cell phone and the thermostat is set to your ideal, toasty temperature. Wait a minute – we already live in that world! Yep, the future, aka the Internet of Things, is here and it is very smart.

The Internet of Things (IoT) creates connections between multiple devices, or things. This connectivity enables data to be delivered to the internet, allowing for improved efficiency and reduced human effort. But there is a downside: security threats and cyberattacks. These can include device hijackings and home invasions.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand how the Internet of Things works
• Identify the security risks associated with the IoT
• Protect yourself and avoid an IoT attack on your devices

Why take this course?

It isn’t just in the home that we’re vulnerable to an IoT attack. Workplaces are also at risk. For example, smart assistants may be hacked, meaning that confidential data is exposed. Suitable for organizations and individuals, this course will show you how to tighten your IoT security measures and prevent an attack. So, let’s get smart about security.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook


Do you ever think about your data? Like who’s got it, and what they might do with it? Y’know, bank details, shoe size, places you visit, restaurants you like to eat at? Someone somewhere will have at least some of that information. Your bank, a shopping website, a travel company, your credit card supplier… In the EU, all that data, and more, is protected by a law called the GDPR.

The General Data Protection Regulation is designed to protect personal data within the European Union. It stops governments, companies, and even individuals from using your data in ways that you wouldn’t want them to. The GDPR also protects personal data when it leaves the EU. So, even if you’re outside Europe, but still do business there, it’ll still apply.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize how the GDPR applies to you
• Explain the 7 principles of the GDPR
• Apply the GDPR regulations to spot data breaches

Why take this course?

Wherever you are in the world, you should know about the GDPR. This course will help you recognize how the GDPR might apply to you, how it protects the rights of individuals, and assist you in understanding the 7 principles of the GDPR.

20 mins | SCORM |Workbook

PCI DSS (Payment Card Compliance)

Paying with plastic. It’s great, isn’t it? So quick, so easy, and so secure. Except when it’s not. As a vendor, there are things you need to get right to ensure that credit card and other online payments are secure. If you don’t, you’ll not only lose the trust and loyalty of your customers, you can wind up on the wrong side of banks and credit card companies and, in some places, the law, too.

Being PCI compliant will reduce the risk of liability in the event of fraud, build trust with customers, and prevent fines and account suspensions with banks and other financial providers. The great news is …we can show you how.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize the requirements for PCI compliance
• Compare the benefits of PCI compliance with the impacts of noncompliance
• Complete a security audit of your network

Why take this course?

If you’re a merchant that wants to process, store, or transmit credit card data and other payments either online or off, then you need to be PCI compliant. This course will show you the requirements for PCI compliance, compare the benefits of compliance with the consequences of noncompliance, and show you how to complete a security audit of your network.
10 mins |SCORM | Workbook

The Basics of Cryptography

Ah, cryptography! The ancient art of… something that sounds pretty complicated. If that was your 1st reaction, you’re not entirely wrong. But it might surprise you to learn that if you’ve ever used online banking, you’ve already benefited from the protection cryptography offers. Because it’s all about keeping your communications and data secure, so cybercriminals can’t obtain it.

Cryptography already plays a role in keeping data and communications safe within your organization, too. Understanding why this is necessary and how it’s accomplished will help you understand how you and your organization can outsmart sophisticated cybercriminals.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the importance of cryptography and how it protects organizations and individuals from being targeted by cybercriminals
• Define ciphers and keys and their role in encryption and decryption
• Recognize the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography

Why take this course?

Anyone could be a victim of cybercrime, from individuals to organizations. That’s why everyone can benefit from understanding the techniques used to outsmart criminals and keep data and communications secure. This course will introduce you to why cryptography is needed along with how it’s implemented.

10 mins |SCORM | Workbook

Coding and Cybersecurity

You might think coding is a mysterious art that only exists in IT departments. But it’s all around us, helping to manage our lives and keep the modern world working. Coding keeps trains running, cash registers bleeping, and phones ringing. And, believe it or not, just like any language, it can be pretty easy to pick up the basics.

But, with so much of the world governed by code, and because it’s easy to learn basic coding, it can be used in the wrong way, too. This means the need for tighter cybersecurity is constantly growing. And, in business, keeping systems secure needs to be top priority.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Identify common uses of coding in technology
• Recognize code-based cybersecurity threats
• Adopt safer ways of working with technology

Why take this course?

This course will help everyone understand how computer code can pose a cybersecurity threat. You’ll see where code is used, how it can pose a threat in your workplace, and how you can work smarter to avoid cybersecurity threats.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

Covert Crypto Mining

Imagine if your neighbor broke into your house while you’re at work to “borrow” your electricity. You’d be pretty annoyed! After all, you never said they could use it, and they’d end up costing you a lot of money.

Now imagine someone’s “borrowing” your computer’s power to solve complex equations without you even realizing it. That’s basically what covert crypto mining or “crypto jacking” is. This course will help you understand the basics of cryptocurrency, how crypto jacking works, and how you can avoid it.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain how cryptocurrency works and what is meant by “mining”
• Define crypto jacking and recognize the signs it’s happening
• Implement ways to prevent cryptojacking

Why take this course?

The world of crypto is new and can be confusing, which means people can be easily exploited without their knowledge. This course, suitable for anyone, will give you a beginner’s guide to the world of cryptocurrency and ensure you’re prepared to combat this new type of hacking.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

Cybersecurity and Your Supply Chain

If you were asked to climb a chain that had a rusty link somewhere, you’d probably think twice. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. It’s an expression we’ve all heard before, but it’s true. One weak point and the whole thing snaps, and you’re tumbling to the floor!

The same is true for cybersecurity. Cybercriminals are most likely to attack at the weakest point. If you have a weak link, they’ll be able to exploit it and cause damage along the entire supply chain. This course will help you ensure your entire supply chain has robust cybersecurity.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain why cybersecurity is paramount to every step of a supply chain
• Recognize common supply chain cyberattacks
• Implement the principles of supply chain cybersecurity

Why take this course?

For your cybersecurity to be effective, it needs to cover your entire supply chain. This course, suitable for anyone in IT or security management, will teach you how to spot and deal with weak links. You’ll also learn some common cyber supply chain attacks, so you can work to prevent them from happening to you.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook